Analysing the results of the constraint scan

import cobra
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from import ScalarMappable
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
from matplotlib.ticker import AutoMinorLocator, MultipleLocator
from mmon_gcm.analysing import get_phase_lengths
from mmon_gcm.supermodel import SuperModel
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, StandardScaler
palettes = {
    "tol_bright": sns.color_palette(
        ["#4477AA", "#66CCEE", "#228833", "#CCBB44", "#EE6677", "#AA3377", "#BBBBBB"]
    "tol_muted": sns.color_palette(

colours = sns.color_palette()

params = {
    "xtick.labelsize": "large",
    "ytick.labelsize": "large",
    "axes.labelsize": "large",
    "axes.titlesize": "x-large",
    "": "sans-serif",
    "axes.spines.right": False,
    "": False,
    "legend.frameon": False,
    "savefig.bbox": "tight",
    "lines.linewidth": 2.5,
    "figure.figsize": [5, 3.75],
    "figure.dpi": 150,
def get_bounds_in_model(constraints):
    super_model = SuperModel(constraints)
    volumes = super_model.get_volumes(per_guard_cell=False)
    closed_volume = volumes[0]
    open_volume = volumes[1]
    osmolarities = super_model.get_osmolarities()
    closed_osmolarity = osmolarities[0]
    open_osmolarity = osmolarities[1]
    photons = super_model.get_photons(150)
    gc_photons = photons[0]
    gc_atpase_upper_bound = super_model.get_atpase_constraint_value(

    return {
        "V_closed": closed_volume,
        "V_open": open_volume,
        "Os_closed": closed_osmolarity,
        "Os_open": open_osmolarity,
        "Photons": gc_photons,
        "ATPase": gc_atpase_upper_bound,

Importing results and constraints

# import results files
blue_results = pd.read_csv(
    "../outputs/constraint_scan/constraint_scan_results_blue.csv", index_col=0
white_results = pd.read_csv(
    "../outputs/constraint_scan/constraint_scan_results_white.csv", index_col=0
scan_results = pd.concat([white_results, blue_results])
scan_results = scan_results.reset_index().drop("index", axis=1)
# remove solutions which were not feasible
infeasible_solutions = scan_results[scan_results.isna().any(axis=1)]
feasible_solutions = scan_results.dropna()
scan_results = feasible_solutions
(1934, 7101)
# convert any fluxes that are below 10^-6 to 0
scan_results = scan_results.mask(abs(scan_results) < 0.000001, other=0)
# import constraints files
white_constraints = pd.read_csv(
    "../outputs/constraint_scan/constraints_df.csv", index_col=0
white_constraints["light"] = "white"
blue_constraints = pd.read_csv(
    "../outputs/constraint_scan/constraints_df.csv", index_col=0
blue_constraints["light"] = "blue"
scan_constraints = pd.concat([white_constraints, blue_constraints])
scan_constraints = scan_constraints.reset_index().drop("index", axis=1)
# remove infeasible constraints combinations
feasible_scan_constraints = scan_constraints.loc[feasible_solutions.index]
infeasible_scan_constraints = scan_constraints.loc[infeasible_solutions.index]
scan_constraints = feasible_scan_constraints

# Remove maintenance in scan_constraints
#scan_constraints = scan_constraints.drop('Maintenance', axis=1)
Index(['P_abs', 'T_l', 'A_l', 'V_gc_ind', 'FqFm', 'R_ch', 'R_ch_vol', 'L_air',
       'L_epidermis', 'Vac_frac', 'T', 'R', 'N_gcs', 'n', 'm', 'r', 's',
       'C_apo', 'A_closed', 'A_open', 'ATPase', 'light'],
# import constraints that were used in previous paper solutions
default_constraints = pd.read_csv("../inputs/arabidopsis_parameters.csv", index_col=0)[

paper_constraints = []
index = []
for light in ["white", "blue", "nops"]:
    for constraint in ["unconstrained", "constrained"]:
        constraints = default_constraints.copy()
        if constraint == "unconstrained":
            constraints["ATPase"] = 1000
        elif constraint == "constrained":
            constraints["ATPase"] = 7.48
        constraints["light"] = light
paper_constraints = pd.DataFrame(paper_constraints, index=index)
paper_constraints = paper_constraints.iloc[1, :-1]
P_abs                  0.9
T_l                0.00017
A_l                    1.0
V_gc_ind               0.0
FqFm                   0.9
R_ch              0.069231
R_ch_vol          0.200476
L_air                 0.37
L_epidermis           0.15
Vac_frac             0.751
T                   296.15
R                  0.08205
N_gcs          580000000.0
n                      2.5
m                      0.8
r                      0.0
s                      0.0
C_apo              0.02302
A_closed               1.6
A_open                2.75
ATPase                7.48
Name: white_constrained_wt, dtype: object
# import results for previous simulations in paper
paper_solution_files = []

for light in ["white", "blue", "nops"]:
    for constraint in ["unconstrained", "constrained"]:
solution_dfs = [
    pd.read_csv(f"../outputs/model_solutions/{file_name}", index_col=0)["fluxes"]
    for file_name in paper_solution_files
paper_results = pd.concat(solution_dfs, axis=1).T
paper_results.index = index
# get a reduced get of constraints that are more specific to the guard cell

scan_gc_constraints = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
    list(scan_constraints.apply(get_bounds_in_model, axis=1))
scan_gc_constraints["Os_dif"] = (
    scan_gc_constraints["Os_open"] - scan_gc_constraints["Os_closed"]
scan_gc_constraints.index = scan_constraints.index
/home/maurice/Sync/GC/mmon-gcm/mmon_gcm/ UserWarning: No fba model added to the Supermodel, fine if that's what you want
  warnings.warn("No fba model added to the Supermodel, fine if that's what you want")
V_closed V_open Os_closed Os_open Photons ATPase Os_dif
0 0.000157 0.000476 0.033212 0.278138 0.107908 0.004851 0.244926
1 0.000321 0.000738 0.067499 0.370715 0.106820 0.000585 0.303216
2 0.000248 0.000268 0.059662 0.070491 0.031490 0.004505 0.010828
3 0.000134 0.000278 0.033181 0.140030 0.013079 0.004855 0.106849
4 0.000438 0.000786 0.107888 0.313097 0.034626 0.011479 0.205209
paper_gc_constraints = pd.Series(get_bounds_in_model(paper_constraints))
paper_gc_constraints["Os_dif"] = (
    paper_gc_constraints["Os_open"] - paper_gc_constraints["Os_closed"]
/home/maurice/Sync/GC/mmon-gcm/mmon_gcm/ UserWarning: No fba model added to the Supermodel, fine if that's what you want
  warnings.warn("No fba model added to the Supermodel, fine if that's what you want")
V_closed     0.000220
V_open       0.000254
Os_closed    0.039359
Os_open      0.054922
Photons      0.018372
ATPase       0.004338
Os_dif       0.015563
dtype: float64

7a - What contributes to phloem output?

Set up features for linear regression by

Convert light using onehotencoder

0 white
1 white
2 white
3 white
4 white
... ...
1931 blue
1932 blue
1933 blue
1934 blue
1935 blue

1934 rows × 1 columns

# extract the subject column as a pandas DataFrame
light = scan_constraints[["light"]]
# setting sparse=False means that enc.transform() will return an array
enc = OneHotEncoder(sparse_output=False)

# fit the encoder to the data

# encode the data
light_enc = enc.transform(light)
light_columns = pd.DataFrame(light_enc, columns="light_" + enc.categories_[0], index=scan_constraints.index) # Added index=scan_constraints.index 
full_features = scan_constraints.drop("light", axis=1).join(light_columns)
gc_features = scan_gc_constraints.join(light_columns)

Also create scaled versions of features

scaler = StandardScaler()
full_features_scaled = scaler.transform(full_features)
gc_features_scaled = scaler.transform(gc_features)
P_abs T_l A_l V_gc_ind FqFm R_ch R_ch_vol L_air L_epidermis Vac_frac ... n m r s C_apo A_closed A_open ATPase light_blue light_white

0 rows × 23 columns

Compare full and gc features

response = scan_results.Phloem_tx_overall
#response = scan_results.Photon_tx_gc_3

lm_full = LinearRegression(), response)
full_pred = lm_full.predict(full_features)
print("Mean squared error, MSE = %.5f" % mean_squared_error(response, full_pred))
print("Coefficient of determination, r2 = %.5f" % r2_score(response, full_pred))

lm_gc = LinearRegression(), response)
gc_pred = lm_gc.predict(gc_features)
print("Mean squared error, MSE = %.5f" % mean_squared_error(response, gc_pred))
print("Coefficient of determination, r2 = %.5f" % r2_score(response, gc_pred))
Mean squared error, MSE = 0.00040
Coefficient of determination, r2 = 0.99960
Mean squared error, MSE = 0.87829
Coefficient of determination, r2 = 0.12388

So can’t predict phloem output using GC features, but can predict pretty well using the full set

Which features are most important?

pd.DataFrame(lm_full.coef_, index=full_features.columns).sort_values(by=0)
T_l -4.514050e-01
light_blue -3.533915e-01
C_apo -1.320172e-03
m -8.770751e-04
Vac_frac -7.229537e-04
A_open -2.302990e-04
FqFm -6.018903e-05
n -5.320860e-05
V_gc_ind -9.982424e-10
r -6.477489e-12
N_gcs -1.186773e-12
A_l -2.997951e-13
R -1.131064e-13
s 1.957373e-11
T 4.679942e-06
ATPase 4.859983e-06
A_closed 1.710221e-04
L_epidermis 2.027958e-04
L_air 2.972018e-04
R_ch_vol 4.995322e-04
R_ch 1.383114e-03
light_white 3.533915e-01
P_abs 1.800514e+01

Lots of unimportant features so we can use lasso regression to see which ones we really need

Try different alphas for lasso to see r2

from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso

alphas = np.linspace(0.01, 0.1, 10)
r2s = []

for alpha in alphas:
    lasso = Lasso(alpha=alpha), response)
    lasso_pred = lasso.predict(full_features)
    r2s.append(r2_score(response, lasso_pred))

pd.Series(r2s, index=alphas)
0.01    0.962288
0.02    0.850360
0.03    0.663812
0.04    0.402646
0.05    0.116440
0.06    0.111850
0.07    0.106593
0.08    0.100528
0.09    0.093654
0.10    0.085972
dtype: float64
from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso

alphas = np.linspace(0.001, 0.01, 10)
r2s = []

for alpha in alphas:
    lasso = Lasso(alpha=alpha), response)
    lasso_pred = lasso.predict(full_features)
    r2s.append(r2_score(response, lasso_pred))

pd.Series(r2s, index=alphas)
0.001    0.999224
0.002    0.998105
0.003    0.996240
0.004    0.993628
0.005    0.990270
0.006    0.986166
0.007    0.981316
0.008    0.975719
0.009    0.969377
0.010    0.962288
dtype: float64

Lets take 0.03 as it’s highest that rounds to 0.999

Lasso with alpha = 0.003

lasso = Lasso(alpha=0.003), response)
lasso_pred = lasso.predict(full_features)
lass_coefs = pd.DataFrame(lasso.coef_, index=full_features.columns).sort_values(by=0)
# display coefficients that aren't 0
lass_coefs[abs(lass_coefs.loc[:, 0]) > 0.00001]
light_blue -0.694783
T -0.000436
A_open -0.000309
P_abs 16.894629

P_abs and light are by far the largest coefficients

Try scaled as well

from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso

alphas = np.linspace(0.01, 0.1, 10)
r2s = []

for alpha in alphas:
    lasso = Lasso(alpha=alpha), response)
    lasso_pred = lasso.predict(full_features_scaled)
    r2s.append(r2_score(response, lasso_pred))

pd.Series(r2s, index=alphas)
0.01    0.999398
0.02    0.998799
0.03    0.997801
0.04    0.996405
0.05    0.994609
0.06    0.992415
0.07    0.989821
0.08    0.986829
0.09    0.983437
0.10    0.979646
dtype: float64
lasso = Lasso(alpha=0.01), response)
lasso_pred = lasso.predict(full_features_scaled)
lass_coefs = pd.DataFrame(lasso.coef_, index=full_features.columns).sort_values(by=0)
print(f"r2 score: {r2_score(response, lasso_pred)}")
# display coefficients that aren't 0
lass_coefs[abs(lass_coefs.loc[:, 0]) > 0.00001]
r2 score: 0.9993975321339854
light_blue -0.343392
P_abs 0.926581

When scaled this is even clearer

def phloemoutput_subfig(ax):
    for light, colour in zip(
        ["white", "blue"], [sns.color_palette()[1], sns.color_palette()[0]]
        constraints_light_df = scan_constraints[scan_constraints.light == light]
        results_light_df = scan_results[scan_constraints.light == light]


    ax.legend(title="Light during opening", loc="upper left")  # Set loc to "upper left"
    ax.set_xlabel("$P_{abs}$\n(Prop. photons absorbed by leaf)", size="medium")
        "Phloem output\n(mmol$\cdot$m$^{-2}$leaf$\cdot$h$^{-1}$)", size="medium"

    ax.set_ylim(11.9, 17)
    ax.set_xlim(0.797, 1)
    ax.spines["left"].set_bounds(12, 17)
    ax.spines["bottom"].set_bounds(0.8, 1)
    # ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator(2))
    # ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator(2))

    ax.set_aspect(abs(1 - 0.8) / abs(17 - 12))

    return ax

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

7b - What affects hexose export from the guard cell?

Generate hexose export df

four_stage_GC_model =
)  # read model

# get total flux across all phases
net_carbon_dict = {}
for metabolite in ["GLC", "FRU", "SUCROSE"]:
    net_metabolite = 0
    for i, phase_length in enumerate(get_phase_lengths(four_stage_GC_model)):
        phase_number = i + 1
        net_metabolite = (
            + scan_results.loc[:, f"{metabolite}_ae_gc_{phase_number}"] * phase_length
    net_carbon_dict[metabolite] = net_metabolite
net_carbon_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(net_carbon_dict)

# correct for fact that sucrose is two hexoses
net_carbon = (
    net_carbon_df.GLC + net_carbon_df.FRU + net_carbon_df.SUCROSE * 2
) * -1  # mmol.m2-1
net_carbon = net_carbon * 10**-3  # moles.m2-1
carbon_per_gc = net_carbon / scan_constraints.N_gcs  # moles.gc-1
carbon_per_gc = carbon_per_gc * 10**15  # fmol.gc-1
No objective coefficients in model. Unclear what should be optimized

Fit model to hexose export

response = carbon_per_gc
for features in [full_features, gc_features]:
    lm_1 = LinearRegression(), response)
    pred = lm_1.predict(features)
    print("Mean squared error, MSE = %.2f" % mean_squared_error(response, pred))
    print("Coefficient of determination, r2 = %.2f" % r2_score(response, pred))
Mean squared error, MSE = 392.25
Coefficient of determination, r2 = 0.45
Mean squared error, MSE = 118.22
Coefficient of determination, r2 = 0.83

So hexose export can be better predicted using the gc features compared to all the features. Is this because it’s hexose per gc?

response = net_carbon
for features in [full_features, gc_features]:
    lm_1 = LinearRegression(), response)
    pred = lm_1.predict(features)
    print("Mean squared error, MSE = %.2f" % mean_squared_error(response, pred))
    print("Coefficient of determination, r2 = %.2f" % r2_score(response, pred))
Mean squared error, MSE = 0.00
Coefficient of determination, r2 = 0.52
Mean squared error, MSE = 0.00
Coefficient of determination, r2 = 1.00

Seems so, as we’re confusing things by introducing the N_gcs division into the response

response = net_carbon
lm_1 = LinearRegression(), response)
pred = lm_1.predict(gc_features)
lm_coefs = pd.DataFrame(lm_1.coef_, index=gc_features.columns).sort_values(by=0)
lm_coefs[abs(lm_coefs.loc[:, 0]) > 0.00001]
light_blue -1.381741e+08
light_white -1.381741e+08
Os_open -8.054295e+05
V_closed -1.611919e-02
ATPase 1.462491e-04
Photons 2.354302e-04
V_open 6.360736e-03
Os_dif 8.054295e+05
Os_closed 8.054295e+05

Mainly different light colours as well as osmolarity. What if we correct for light colour?

Create a reponse for total photons into the GC, irrespective of blue or white light

photon_influx = scan_results.loc[:, "Photon_tx_gc_3"]
photon_hours = scan_constraints.loc[:, "light"].apply(
    lambda x: 12 if x == "white" else 11.5
total_photons_per_day = photon_influx * photon_hours
response = net_carbon
features = np.array([total_photons_per_day]).T
lm_1 = LinearRegression(), response)
pred = lm_1.predict(features)
print("Mean squared error, MSE = %.6f" % mean_squared_error(response, pred))
print("Coefficient of determination, r2 = %.6f" % r2_score(response, pred))
pd.DataFrame(lm_1.coef_, index=["Photons per day"]).sort_values(by=0)
Mean squared error, MSE = 0.000000
Coefficient of determination, r2 = 0.952128
Photons per day 0.000019
response = net_carbon
features = np.array([total_photons_per_day, gc_features.Os_dif]).T
lm_1 = LinearRegression(), response)
pred = lm_1.predict(features)
print("Mean squared error, MSE = %.6f" % mean_squared_error(response, pred))
print("Coefficient of determination, r2 = %.6f" % r2_score(response, pred))
pd.DataFrame(lm_1.coef_, index=["Photons per day", "Os dif"]).sort_values(by=0)
Mean squared error, MSE = 0.000000
Coefficient of determination, r2 = 0.997839
Os dif -0.000042
Photons per day 0.000020

Pretty good R2

response = net_carbon
features = np.array(gc_features.ATPase).reshape(-1, 1)
lm_1 = LinearRegression(), response)
pred = lm_1.predict(features)
print("Mean squared error, MSE = %.6f" % mean_squared_error(response, pred))
print("Coefficient of determination, r2 = %.6f" % r2_score(response, pred))
pd.DataFrame(lm_1.coef_, index=["ATPase"]).sort_values(by=0)
Mean squared error, MSE = 0.000000
Coefficient of determination, r2 = 0.109253
ATPase 0.001702

ATPase can’t really predict hexose export, at least not by itself

def photons_vs_carbon_export_subfig(ax):
    max_os_dif = scan_gc_constraints.Os_dif.max().round(1)
    norm = Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=max_os_dif)
    mappable = ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=sns.color_palette("crest", as_cmap=True))

    net_carbon_mmol = net_carbon * 10**3

        cmap=sns.color_palette("crest", as_cmap=True),

    cbaxes = ax.inset_axes([0.1, 0.93, 0.40, 0.05])
    cbar = plt.colorbar(
        mappable, cax=cbaxes, ticks=[0, max_os_dif], orientation="horizontal"
    cbar.set_label("Osmolarity increase\n(mmol$\cdot$m$^{-2}\cdot$d$^{-1}$)", size=10)

    inset_ax = ax.inset_axes([0.7, 0.15, 0.3, 0.3])
        cmap=sns.color_palette("crest", as_cmap=True),
    inset_ax.set_xlim([-0.3 / 10, 2])
    inset_ax.set_ylim([-0.02 / 5, 0.04])
    inset_ax.spines["left"].set_bounds(0, 0.04)
    inset_ax.spines["bottom"].set_bounds(0, 2)

    ax.set_xlim([-0.5, 10])
    ax.set_ylim([-0.02, 0.15])
    ax.spines["left"].set_bounds(0, 0.15)
    ax.spines["bottom"].set_bounds(0, 10)
    ax.set_aspect(abs(10 - 0) / abs(0.15 - 0))

        "Photons per day into GC\n" + r"(mmol$\cdot$m$^{-2}\cdot$d$^{-1}$)",
        "Net hexose export flux from GC\n" + r"(mmol$\cdot$m$^{-2}\cdot$h$^{-1}$)",

    return ax

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

Are there any solutions where net carbon export are below 0?

(net_carbon < 0).sum()
(net_carbon > 0).sum()
(net_carbon == 0).sum()
1-((net_carbon < 0).sum())/len(net_carbon)

What’s interesting about them?

scan_constraints.loc[net_carbon < 0]
P_abs T_l A_l V_gc_ind FqFm R_ch R_ch_vol L_air L_epidermis Vac_frac ... N_gcs n m r s C_apo A_closed A_open ATPase light
3 0.880998 0.000192 1.0 8.629192e-13 0.866582 0.051244 0.204472 0.309538 0.169957 0.813726 ... 3.851195e+08 2.077401 0.940848 5.747590e-14 1.515328e-13 0.029770 3.399462 9.936390 12.606738 white
30 0.977490 0.000213 1.0 8.097892e-13 0.849340 0.085944 0.200220 0.228127 0.106448 0.830654 ... 6.380687e+08 2.318837 0.830687 7.864234e-14 1.643929e-13 0.025288 3.333199 10.672109 11.311688 white
35 0.856504 0.000237 1.0 1.360312e-12 0.860652 0.067374 0.192203 0.258071 0.107286 0.777399 ... 8.423951e+08 2.039681 0.993173 6.491681e-14 2.153582e-13 0.029056 3.839122 9.599664 13.331786 white
45 0.930783 0.000189 1.0 1.489148e-12 0.888709 0.046345 0.194218 0.231172 0.183409 0.831117 ... 1.105337e+09 2.328963 0.866898 6.554262e-14 2.276119e-13 0.023463 3.689994 11.705067 7.102036 white
64 0.859688 0.000235 1.0 3.426082e-12 0.791894 0.052688 0.198979 0.230128 0.197351 0.842065 ... 3.647771e+08 1.730236 0.919254 7.408027e-14 2.148666e-13 0.029782 1.697687 11.305181 13.115608 white
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1882 0.845869 0.000172 1.0 1.048237e-12 0.845831 0.080705 0.199110 0.334855 0.163015 0.764383 ... 2.061369e+08 1.615056 0.959637 7.543702e-14 2.598267e-13 0.027358 1.738303 9.792686 12.376386 blue
1910 0.891865 0.000236 1.0 1.587349e-12 0.841325 0.047596 0.190368 0.187888 0.114146 0.818767 ... 8.062927e+08 1.649409 0.853218 7.850763e-14 2.357539e-13 0.024782 1.406129 6.738719 13.099119 blue
1917 0.917349 0.000172 1.0 6.231750e-13 0.847565 0.047245 0.195349 0.244040 0.192836 0.789315 ... 9.777013e+08 1.535770 0.824097 5.226121e-14 2.318500e-13 0.024413 1.599696 9.447559 0.599285 blue
1918 0.979824 0.000215 1.0 7.663475e-13 0.834459 0.092777 0.203782 0.191754 0.104075 0.832115 ... 2.886042e+08 2.043540 0.833630 5.487253e-14 1.306311e-13 0.031694 1.449804 8.414919 3.970192 blue
1926 0.884257 0.000212 1.0 9.887656e-13 0.794346 0.042550 0.190401 0.318149 0.216369 0.817676 ... 5.898101e+08 2.199278 0.968034 6.179313e-14 2.376930e-13 0.028122 2.487448 9.333051 11.542919 blue

177 rows × 22 columns

scan_gc_constraints.loc[net_carbon < 0]
V_closed V_open Os_closed Os_open Photons ATPase Os_dif
3 0.000134 0.000278 0.033181 0.140030 0.013079 0.004855 0.106849
30 0.000272 0.000640 0.063820 0.310722 0.027134 0.007218 0.246902
35 0.000391 0.000706 0.109738 0.371630 0.037644 0.011231 0.261892
45 0.000519 0.001100 0.133538 0.606216 0.055639 0.007850 0.472678
64 0.000124 0.000384 0.020705 0.204952 0.033219 0.004784 0.184247
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1882 0.000081 0.000206 0.013085 0.098841 0.013994 0.002551 0.085757
1910 0.000279 0.000617 0.040490 0.207920 0.027690 0.010562 0.167430
1917 0.000308 0.000709 0.044057 0.291729 0.022555 0.000586 0.247672
1918 0.000061 0.000171 0.010122 0.069783 0.011858 0.001146 0.059661
1926 0.000231 0.000480 0.050001 0.234255 0.015845 0.006808 0.184254

177 rows × 7 columns

Ok they are the same just with different light colours. Is it the photon/od_dif ratio?

scan_gc_constraints.loc[180, "Photons"] / scan_gc_constraints.loc[180, "Os_dif"]
(scan_gc_constraints.loc[:, "Photons"] / scan_gc_constraints.loc[:, "Os_dif"]).min()

Yes, it has the lowest photon:od_diff ratio of any combination

At our predicted level of osmolarity and other guard cell parameters, what would FqFm.R_ch need to be for guard cell to act as a sink?

\(e = FqFm \cdot R_{ch} \cdot R_{ch_{vol}}\) <- We want to know e, that is the capacity of guard cell vs mesophyll. Function of efficiency, number of chloroplasts, and valume of chloroplasts

\(P_{gc} = e \cdot v\_prop_{gc} \cdot P\)

\(e = \frac{P_{gc}}{v\_prop_{gc} \cdot P}\)

P = 150 * paper_constraints.P_abs
P = P * 10**-3 * 60 * 60  # umolessec-1 -> mmolhr-1
V_l = (
    paper_constraints.T_l * paper_constraints.A_l
)  # volume of leaf is area x thickness
V_l = V_l * 10**3  # (Total leaf volume) m3 -> dm3 = 10**3

V_gc = (
    paper_constraints.V_gc_ind * paper_constraints.N_gcs
)  # total volume of gc in leaf

# volume of meosphyll is leaf that isn't epidermis or air
V_me = V_l * (1 - paper_constraints.L_epidermis) * (1 - paper_constraints.L_air)

v_prop_gc = V_gc / V_me  # volume of gc is negligable
response = net_carbon
features = np.array([total_photons_per_day, gc_features.Os_dif]).T
lm_1 = LinearRegression(), response)
pred = lm_1.predict(features)
print("Mean squared error, MSE = %.6f" % mean_squared_error(response, pred))
print("Coefficient of determination, r2 = %.6f" % r2_score(response, pred))
print(f"Intercept: {lm_1.intercept_}")
pd.DataFrame(lm_1.coef_, index=["Photons per day", "Os dif"]).sort_values(by=0)
Mean squared error, MSE = 0.000000
Coefficient of determination, r2 = 0.997839
Intercept: -2.9943170116709816e-07
Os dif -0.000042
Photons per day 0.000020

$ C_{net} = -3^{-5}Os_{dif} + 2^{-5}P_{day} - 6.80 ^{-8}$

$ 0 = -3^{-5} + 2^{-5}P_{day} - 6.80 ^{-8}$

$ = P_{day}$

os_dif_coef = lm_1.coef_[1]
photons_per_day_coef = lm_1.coef_[0]
os_in_selected_scenarios = paper_gc_constraints.Os_dif
intercept = lm_1.intercept_
photons_needed = (
    intercept - os_dif_coef * os_in_selected_scenarios
) / photons_per_day_coef
total_photons_per_day.min() / photons_needed

So at that osmolarity for the guard cell to act as sink tissue the total level of photons coming in would have to be 15x lower than we see in any of our scenarios, which will be for blue light

photon_influx = photons_needed / 11.5

\(e = \frac{P_{gc}}{v\_prop_{gc} \cdot P}\)

e = photon_influx / (v_prop_gc * P)
e * 100

So the capacity for photosynthesis in the guard cell only needs to be 0.1% of that of the mesophyll to act as a source tissue

What is the range of photosynthetic capacities that we use?

capacity_percentages = (scan_constraints.FqFm * scan_constraints.R_ch) * 100
print(f"High: {capacity_percentages.max()}")
print(f"Low: {capacity_percentages.min()}")
High: 16.086936580407595
Low: 2.773358075436272

7c - So does the ATPase have an effect on starch if not on hexose export very much?

How many solutions utilise starch?

starch = scan_results.STARCH_p_gc_Linker_1 - scan_results.STARCH_p_gc_Linker_2
print(f"{(starch > 0).sum()} or {(starch > 0).sum()/len(starch) * 100:.0f}%")
1892 or 98%

In how many of those solutions is the ATPase constrained?

atpase_constrained = (
    abs(scan_gc_constraints.ATPase - scan_results.PROTON_ATPase_c_gc_2) < 0.000001
(atpase_constrained & starch > 0).sum()
((scan_gc_constraints.ATPase - scan_results.PROTON_ATPase_c_gc_2) < 0.000001).sum() / (starch > 0).sum()
(starch <= 0).sum()
scan_gc_constraints[(atpase_constrained & (starch == 0))]
V_closed V_open Os_closed Os_open Photons ATPase Os_dif

So there is one solution which doesn’t

scan_gc_constraints[(atpase_constrained & starch < 0)]
V_closed V_open Os_closed Os_open Photons ATPase Os_dif
#(scan_gc_constraints.loc[1685] - scan_gc_constraints.mean()) / scan_gc_constraints.std()

High photons, high ATPase, low osmolarity dif

How many constrained solutions don’t use starch?

(atpase_constrained & (starch == 0)).sum()
scan_gc_constraints[(atpase_constrained & (starch == 0))]
V_closed V_open Os_closed Os_open Photons ATPase Os_dif
#(scan_gc_constraints.loc[1779] - scan_gc_constraints.mean()) / scan_gc_constraints.std()

Osmolarity difference is low, photons are high, atpase is low. Closed osmolarity is high, forcing the use of something else?

Increase per GC allows comparison with literature values

starch_per_gc = starch * 10**-3 / scan_constraints.N_gcs * 10**15  # fmol.gc-1
horrer_starch_level = 184
os_increase_per_gc = (
    scan_gc_constraints.Os_dif * 10**-3 / scan_constraints.N_gcs * 10**15
protons_moved_per_gc = (
    scan_results.PROTON_ATPase_c_gc_2 * 10**-3 / scan_constraints.N_gcs * 10**15
def starch_vs_os_subfig(ax):
    dot_size = 2

    norm = Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=15)
    mappable = ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=sns.color_palette("crest", as_cmap=True))

    ax.plot([0, 600], [0, 600], c="grey", alpha=0.5, clip_on=False, linewidth=1)

    sc = ax.scatter(
        cmap=sns.color_palette("crest", as_cmap=True),

    cbaxes = ax.inset_axes([0.15, 0.93, 0.40, 0.05])
    cbar = plt.colorbar(mappable, cax=cbaxes, ticks=[0, 15], orientation="horizontal")
    cbar.set_label("Total H$^{+}$ export\n(fmol$\cdot$GC$^{-1}$)", size=10)

    y_max = 600
    y_min = -20
    x_max = 600
    x_min = -20
    ax.set_ylim(y_min, y_max)
    ax.set_xlim(x_min, x_max)
    ax.spines["left"].set_bounds(0, y_max)
    ax.spines["bottom"].set_bounds(0, x_max)

    ax.set_xlabel("Osmolarity increase (fmol$\cdot$GC$^{-1}$)", size="medium")
    ax.set_ylabel(r"Starch degradation (fmol$\cdot$GC$^{-1}$)", size="medium")
    # ax.hlines(-155, xmin=0.15, xmax=0.99, clip_on=False, linewidth=1, color='.15')

#     ax.hlines(
#         184,
#         xmin=0,
#         xmax=x_max,
#         linewidth=1,
#         linestyle="--",
#         color=sns.color_palette()[6],
#     )
#     ax.text(
#         x_max,
#         175,
#         "Horrer et al. (2016)",
#         ha="right",
#         va="top",
#         size="x-small",
#         color=sns.color_palette()[6],
#     )

#     paper_scenarios_colour = sns.color_palette()[2]
#     ax.vlines(
#         26.83,
#         ymin=0,
#         ymax=110,
#         linewidth=1,
#         linestyle="--",
#         color=paper_scenarios_colour,
#     )
#     ax.text(
#         50,
#         120,
#         "Paper\nscenarios",
#         ha="center",
#         va="bottom",
#         size="x-small",
#         color=paper_scenarios_colour,
#     )

    return ax

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4))



How do starch levels vary with white/blue light?

0       452.289024
1       277.547788
2         4.237398
3       167.427081
4        88.409571
1931    401.554966
1932    111.326430
1933    269.642074
1934     81.257996
1935    271.281498
Length: 1934, dtype: float64

How is starch used?

What proportion of white light solutions that degrade starch use it for osmoticum?

        (scan_constraints["light"] == "white")
        & (starch > 0)
        & (scan_results.RXN_2141_p_gc_2 > 0)
) / ((scan_constraints["light"] == "white") & (starch > 0)).sum() * 100

What proportion of white light solutions that degrade starch use it for energy?

        (scan_constraints["light"] == "white")
        & (starch > 0)
        & (scan_results.MALTODEG_RXN_c_gc_2 > 0)
) / ((scan_constraints["light"] == "white") & (starch > 0)).sum() * 100

In the solutions that use it for energy, what is the average % used for energy?

                        (scan_constraints["light"] == "white")
                        & (starch > 0)
                        & (scan_results.MALTODEG_RXN_c_gc_2 > 0)
        / starch[
                (scan_constraints["light"] == "white")
                & (starch > 0)
                & (scan_results.MALTODEG_RXN_c_gc_2 > 0)
    * 100

What proportion of blue light solutions that degrade starch use it for osmoticum?

        (scan_constraints["light"] == "blue")
        & (starch > 0)
        & (scan_results.RXN_2141_p_gc_2 > 0)
) / ((scan_constraints["light"] == "blue") & (starch > 0)).sum() * 100
((scan_constraints["light"] == "blue") & (starch > 0)).sum() - (
        (scan_constraints["light"] == "blue")
        & (starch > 0)
        & (scan_results.RXN_2141_p_gc_2 > 0)

29 solutions doesn’t

        (scan_constraints["light"] == "blue")
        & (starch > 0)
        & ~(scan_results.RXN_2141_p_gc_2 > 0)
P_abs T_l A_l V_gc_ind FqFm R_ch R_ch_vol L_air L_epidermis Vac_frac ... N_gcs n m r s C_apo A_closed A_open ATPase light
1017 0.982189 0.000231 1.0 1.217851e-12 0.806859 0.073278 0.211816 0.312352 0.170798 0.850346 ... 7.505322e+08 2.216148 0.988893 7.629564e-14 2.378212e-13 0.036241 3.213625 3.269583 5.188912 blue
1029 0.987023 0.000221 1.0 1.629365e-12 0.838141 0.096801 0.204151 0.251819 0.217884 0.765830 ... 3.634520e+08 1.950142 0.846086 7.725629e-14 1.043478e-13 0.028292 2.862462 3.198156 13.387886 blue
1056 0.833108 0.000195 1.0 1.641114e-12 0.848315 0.162755 0.206171 0.278300 0.189228 0.863030 ... 4.977284e+08 1.533894 0.896850 7.795038e-14 1.909829e-13 0.034884 3.554507 3.763593 14.205187 blue
1101 0.986662 0.000234 1.0 4.080272e-12 0.833938 0.038088 0.195959 0.208027 0.195915 0.851504 ... 1.080920e+09 2.176108 0.871806 6.374026e-14 1.607315e-13 0.031215 2.021054 2.957040 13.642663 blue
1175 0.845082 0.000195 1.0 3.099346e-12 0.858672 0.105619 0.192160 0.271365 0.122900 0.805677 ... 1.156622e+09 1.676400 0.938192 7.393047e-14 1.742883e-13 0.034981 3.772808 3.898576 11.481076 blue
1210 0.979145 0.000175 1.0 5.704240e-13 0.888548 0.072428 0.191789 0.325010 0.203983 0.860514 ... 1.036523e+09 1.899936 0.859060 5.463702e-14 1.576704e-13 0.028699 3.722164 4.071019 8.231288 blue
1241 0.964159 0.000240 1.0 3.888226e-12 0.849131 0.040710 0.202661 0.308670 0.218431 0.872428 ... 3.693487e+08 2.243153 0.842068 6.859716e-14 2.559610e-13 0.035843 3.687364 3.924401 16.420545 blue
1249 0.936919 0.000209 1.0 1.257865e-12 0.826065 0.170801 0.201451 0.200907 0.221662 0.862510 ... 2.768268e+08 1.579182 0.975663 7.358545e-14 2.629005e-13 0.034054 2.918035 3.666386 16.455016 blue
1271 0.894960 0.000226 1.0 2.625296e-12 0.794778 0.090898 0.192567 0.205657 0.192150 0.771838 ... 5.185705e+08 1.732175 0.982479 5.191611e-14 2.078991e-13 0.033018 2.881912 3.278714 10.054394 blue
1347 0.937104 0.000226 1.0 2.073399e-12 0.877991 0.157195 0.191900 0.227209 0.225836 0.794047 ... 2.618422e+08 1.733078 0.888186 5.059401e-14 2.003447e-13 0.023230 3.869395 4.290222 12.594885 blue
1398 0.924224 0.000175 1.0 8.730863e-13 0.804098 0.113418 0.198257 0.249691 0.188820 0.869304 ... 2.519070e+08 2.475275 0.986365 5.905248e-14 2.007580e-13 0.035799 3.375259 3.767706 13.067527 blue
1415 0.980463 0.000186 1.0 2.216273e-12 0.833689 0.123501 0.191071 0.215862 0.172692 0.880035 ... 4.498390e+08 1.516520 0.868986 6.725712e-14 2.446887e-13 0.029044 2.734507 3.267102 15.278437 blue
1447 0.936485 0.000214 1.0 1.166534e-12 0.804583 0.064945 0.212629 0.306904 0.192820 0.899093 ... 1.006072e+09 2.229371 0.889104 7.800326e-14 1.362171e-13 0.025047 3.167684 3.208058 2.280317 blue
1448 0.966670 0.000234 1.0 2.958310e-12 0.880085 0.164133 0.208941 0.256087 0.185230 0.857323 ... 2.950038e+08 2.331925 0.969200 6.444187e-14 2.834842e-13 0.033098 2.317668 3.042316 16.947977 blue
1491 0.974679 0.000208 1.0 4.076222e-12 0.854519 0.064982 0.193118 0.366199 0.142774 0.786920 ... 2.322279e+08 2.420792 0.998249 7.561923e-14 1.951285e-13 0.028007 3.455625 3.655766 5.111005 blue
1493 0.963094 0.000203 1.0 1.666351e-12 0.804195 0.045097 0.201921 0.242176 0.169241 0.808959 ... 3.329225e+08 2.363713 0.949282 6.266396e-14 2.838072e-13 0.030682 3.007735 3.103710 5.312710 blue
1603 0.828798 0.000182 1.0 2.256641e-12 0.823090 0.156348 0.190161 0.341647 0.136510 0.863669 ... 1.001502e+09 2.262333 0.826955 5.891340e-14 1.276337e-13 0.037063 1.408121 2.911160 16.306092 blue
1618 0.860350 0.000239 1.0 2.638787e-12 0.805063 0.075918 0.202866 0.263651 0.217483 0.822192 ... 6.891091e+08 1.943550 0.962856 5.344074e-14 2.932053e-13 0.023835 2.757374 2.839959 13.055073 blue
1643 0.976380 0.000196 1.0 2.590073e-12 0.880679 0.112134 0.197380 0.199853 0.194168 0.888156 ... 4.143898e+08 2.315024 0.956130 7.757519e-14 1.819379e-13 0.024353 2.559500 3.075319 11.496986 blue
1646 0.904437 0.000191 1.0 2.890408e-12 0.855971 0.090535 0.211633 0.204026 0.171637 0.763252 ... 6.682905e+08 2.352557 0.989896 6.372475e-14 1.918218e-13 0.033567 3.435310 3.815847 11.200469 blue
1649 0.884870 0.000204 1.0 1.979075e-12 0.893797 0.126563 0.192962 0.217671 0.227905 0.830867 ... 8.139443e+08 1.620203 0.873123 5.074189e-14 1.533827e-13 0.031353 2.452572 2.999165 15.016749 blue
1667 0.899727 0.000181 1.0 1.993103e-12 0.800412 0.172931 0.202179 0.349272 0.208027 0.798485 ... 7.670398e+08 1.800158 0.835565 6.995006e-14 1.407586e-13 0.031113 3.087264 3.514388 7.141256 blue
1673 0.892106 0.000177 1.0 1.173797e-12 0.899135 0.163861 0.211231 0.285542 0.130093 0.825673 ... 5.034766e+08 2.221621 0.883160 6.236762e-14 1.911845e-13 0.033061 2.937788 3.420623 11.979488 blue
1722 0.912601 0.000213 1.0 3.929522e-12 0.857296 0.115738 0.199913 0.219846 0.168834 0.820673 ... 6.034846e+08 1.885533 0.834602 5.926701e-14 1.114504e-13 0.026448 3.925064 4.209788 9.645913 blue
1796 0.960272 0.000208 1.0 1.354988e-12 0.818793 0.089928 0.194593 0.186986 0.128720 0.791661 ... 3.166402e+08 1.704774 0.950659 5.391275e-14 1.397527e-13 0.036585 1.860880 2.862753 14.719912 blue
1809 0.983844 0.000172 1.0 1.793328e-12 0.839484 0.139732 0.211760 0.273304 0.175407 0.804473 ... 3.108818e+08 2.147187 0.931797 7.462592e-14 1.418139e-13 0.031565 2.515386 2.979493 14.923502 blue
1847 0.887374 0.000177 1.0 2.454361e-12 0.885623 0.064367 0.204107 0.344367 0.161916 0.755113 ... 2.662198e+08 2.351035 0.805419 5.355258e-14 2.058304e-13 0.028790 3.046720 3.561324 12.764657 blue
1854 0.961591 0.000230 1.0 3.945766e-12 0.869408 0.117912 0.202073 0.199677 0.153533 0.896697 ... 2.634596e+08 1.580251 0.963299 5.448800e-14 2.194085e-13 0.032646 2.411045 2.771418 15.957472 blue
1880 0.943448 0.000193 1.0 8.306288e-13 0.858448 0.095690 0.190071 0.213188 0.205013 0.835644 ... 2.233424e+08 1.547798 0.803243 7.226665e-14 2.676576e-13 0.025830 3.005475 3.303471 12.003204 blue

29 rows × 22 columns

What proportion of blue light solutions that degrade starch use it for energy?

        (scan_constraints["light"] == "blue")
        & (starch > 0)
        & (scan_results.MALTODEG_RXN_c_gc_2 > 0)
) / ((scan_constraints["light"] == "blue") & (starch > 0)).sum() * 100
    (scan_constraints["light"] == "blue")
    & (starch > 0)
    & ~(scan_results.MALTODEG_RXN_c_gc_2 > 0)

43 solutions that use starch in blue light don’t use the energy pathway

                    (scan_constraints["light"] == "blue")
                    & (starch > 0)
                    & (scan_results.MALTODEG_RXN_c_gc_2 > 0)
        / starch[
                (scan_constraints["light"] == "blue")
                & (starch > 0)
                & (scan_results.MALTODEG_RXN_c_gc_2 > 0)
    * 100

Average of 6.9% of starch degraded was used for energy

7d - How does glucose increase during opening vary with starch, and why isn’t it totally linear?

Is sucrose degaded in the cytoplasm in any solutions?

(scan_results[starch > 0]["RXN_1461_c_gc_2"] > 0).sum()


sucrose_degraded_v = scan_results[starch > 0]["RXN_1461_v_gc_2"] > 0.000001
no_sucrose_degraded_v = scan_results[starch > 0]["RXN_1461_v_gc_2"] < 0.000001
glucose_import_into_vacuole = (
    scan_results[starch > 0]["GLC_PROTON_rev_cv_gc_2"] > 0.000001
no_glucose_import_into_vacuole = (
    scan_results[starch > 0]["GLC_PROTON_rev_cv_gc_2"] < 0.000001
sucrose_deg_and_glc_import = sucrose_degraded_v & glucose_import_into_vacuole
sucrose_deg_no_glc_import = sucrose_degraded_v & no_glucose_import_into_vacuole
no_sucrose_deg_glc_import = no_sucrose_degraded_v & glucose_import_into_vacuole
no_sucrose_deg_no_glc_import = no_sucrose_degraded_v & no_glucose_import_into_vacuole
conditions = [
labels = ["+ S.d. + G.i.", "+ S.d - G.i.", "- S.d + G.i.", "- S.d - G.i."]
for condition, label in zip(conditions, labels):
        f"Length: {(condition).sum()} ({((condition).sum()/len(scan_constraints[starch > 0]) * 100).round(1)}%)"
    starch_proportion = (
            scan_results[starch > 0][condition].STARCH_p_gc_Linker_1
            / scan_gc_constraints.loc[starch > 0][condition].Os_dif
        * 100
    print(f"Starch median % of osmolarity: {starch_proportion}")
    starch_proportion = (
            scan_results[starch > 0][condition].STARCH_p_gc_Linker_1
            / scan_gc_constraints.loc[starch > 0][condition].Os_dif
        * 100
    print(f"Starch mean % of osmolarity: {starch_proportion}")
    starch_proportion = (
            scan_results[starch > 0][condition].STARCH_p_gc_Linker_1
            / scan_gc_constraints.loc[starch > 0][condition].Os_dif
        * 100
    print(f"Starch max % of osmolarity: {starch_proportion}")
    starch_proportion = (
            scan_results[starch > 0][condition].STARCH_p_gc_Linker_1
            / scan_gc_constraints.loc[starch > 0][condition].Os_dif
        * 100
    print(f"Starch min % of osmolarity: {starch_proportion}")
+ S.d. + G.i.:
Length: 1719 (90.9%)
Starch median % of osmolarity: 70.715257356063
Starch mean % of osmolarity: 70.75171038643512
Starch max % of osmolarity: 100.98969258230284
Starch min % of osmolarity: 33.70678055197705
+ S.d - G.i.:
Length: 48 (2.5%)
Starch median % of osmolarity: 42.479873042042186
Starch mean % of osmolarity: 40.49996318207206
Starch max % of osmolarity: 71.26373430673459
Starch min % of osmolarity: 19.421223452295543
- S.d + G.i.:
Length: 12 (0.6%)
Starch median % of osmolarity: 27.90927615890679
Starch mean % of osmolarity: 38.969721275346025
Starch max % of osmolarity: 89.30464909167985
Starch min % of osmolarity: 17.245084430356243
- S.d - G.i.:
Length: 113 (6.0%)
Starch median % of osmolarity: 23.38726473224462
Starch mean % of osmolarity: 26.19498288079809
Starch max % of osmolarity: 88.4285135863311
Starch min % of osmolarity: 0.010864363645033069
glc_increase = (
    scan_results[starch > 0].GLC_total_pseudolinker_2
    - scan_results[starch > 0].GLC_total_pseudolinker_1
glc_increase_per_gc = glc_increase * 10**-3 / scan_constraints.N_gcs * 10**15
def glucose_vs_starch_subfig(ax):
    x = [0, 600]
    y = [0, 600]

    size = 10

    ax.plot(x, y, c="grey", alpha=0.5, clip_on=False, linewidth=1)

    conditions = [
    colours = [
    labels = ["+ S.d. + G.i.", "+ S.d - G.i.", "- S.d + G.i.", "- S.d - G.i."]

    glucose_increase_max = glc_increase_per_gc.max()

    for condition, colour, label in zip(conditions, colours, labels):
            starch_per_gc[starch > 0][condition],
            glc_increase_per_gc[starch > 0][condition],

    ax.set_xlabel("Starch degradation\n" r"(fmol$\cdot$GC$^{-1}$)", size="medium")
    ax.set_ylabel("Increase in glucose (fmol$\cdot$GC$^{-1}$)", size="medium")

    y_max = glucose_increase_max
    x_max = 600
    major_increment = 200
    ax.set_ylim(None, y_max)
    ax.set_xlim(None, x_max)
    ax.spines["left"].set_bounds(0, y_max)
    ax.spines["bottom"].set_bounds(0, x_max)

#     ax.vlines(
#         184, ymin=0, ymax=570, linewidth=1, linestyle="--", color=sns.color_palette()[6]
#     )
#     ax.text(
#         184,
#         570,
#         "Horrer et al. (2016)",
#         ha="center",
#         va="bottom",
#         size="x-small",
#         color=sns.color_palette()[6],
#     )

        loc="lower right", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0), handletextpad=0, fontsize="x-small"

    return ax

fig, ax = plt.subplots()


fig.savefig("../outputs/constraint_scan/starch_vs_glucose.png", dpi=300)

def glucose_vs_starch_subfig(ax):
    x = [0, 600]
    y = [0, 600]

    size = 10

    ax.plot(x, y, c="grey", alpha=0.5, clip_on=False, linewidth=1)

    conditions = [
    colours = [
    labels = ["+ Suc deg + Glc import", "- Suc deg + Glc import", "- Suc deg - Glc import", "+ Suc deg - Glc import"]

    glucose_increase_max = glc_increase_per_gc.max()

    for condition, colour, label in zip(conditions, colours, labels):
            starch_per_gc[starch > 0][condition],
            glc_increase_per_gc[starch > 0][condition],

    ax.set_xlabel("Starch degradation\n" r"(fmol$\cdot$GC$^{-1}$)", size="medium")
    ax.set_ylabel("Increase in glucose (fmol$\cdot$GC$^{-1}$)", size="medium")

    #y_max = glucose_increase_max
    y_max = 600
    x_max = 600
    major_increment = 200
    ax.set_ylim(None, y_max)
    ax.set_xlim(None, x_max)
    ax.spines["left"].set_bounds(0, y_max)
    ax.spines["bottom"].set_bounds(0, x_max)

#     ax.vlines(
#         184, ymin=0, ymax=570, linewidth=1, linestyle="--", color=sns.color_palette()[6]
#     )
#     ax.text(
#         184,
#         570,
#         "Horrer et al. (2016)",
#         ha="center",
#         va="bottom",
#         size="x-small",
#         color=sns.color_palette()[6],
#     )

        loc="lower right", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0), handletextpad=0, fontsize='x-small'
        #prop={'family': 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'size': 'x-small'},

    return ax

fig, ax = plt.subplots()


fig.savefig("../outputs/constraint_scan/starch_vs_glucose.png", dpi=300)

Combine subfigures

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 10))

plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5, wspace=0.35)





for ax, letter in zip(
    [axs[0][0], axs[0][1], axs[1][0], axs[1][1]], ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
    if letter != "D":
        ax.text(-0.4, 1.06, letter, transform=ax.transAxes, size=20, weight="bold")
        ax.text(-0.333, 1.06, letter, transform=ax.transAxes, size=20, weight="bold")

    "../outputs/constraint_scan/constraint_scan_analysis_plot.svg", transparent=True
    "../outputs/constraint_scan/constraint_scan_analysis_plot.png", transparent=True

Extra analyses not included

What is the ratio of mitochondrial to plastidic ATP synthase?

fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 4))

    scan_results.Plastidial_ATP_Synthase_p_gc_2[scan_constraints.light == "white"]
    / scan_results.Mitochondrial_ATP_Synthase_m_gc_2[scan_constraints.light == "white"],
axs[0].set_title("Opening in white light")
axs[0].set_xlabel("Plastidial ATP Synthase\nMitochondrial ATP Synthase")
    / scan_results.Mitochondrial_ATP_Synthase_m_gc_3,
axs[1].set_title("Day in both light types")
axs[1].set_xlabel("Plastidial ATP Synthase\nMitochondrial ATP Synthase")
Text(0.5, 0, 'Plastidial ATP Synthase\nMitochondrial ATP Synthase')

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(5, 4))

plastidial_atp_max = scan_results.loc[
    :, ["Plastidial_ATP_Synthase_p_gc_3", "Plastidial_ATP_Synthase_p_gc_2"]
mitochondial_atp_max = scan_results.loc[
    :, ["Mitochondrial_ATP_Synthase_m_gc_3", "Mitochondrial_ATP_Synthase_m_gc_2"]

for light in ["blue", "white"]:
        plastidial_atp_max[scan_constraints.light == light]
        / mitochondial_atp_max[scan_constraints.light == light],

ax.set_xlabel("Max plastidial ATP Synthase\nMax mitochondrial ATP Synthase")


fig, ax = plt.subplots()

ax.plot([0, 0.3], [0, 0.3], c="grey", zorder=0)
ax.scatter(plastidial_atp_max, mitochondial_atp_max, s=1)

(plastidial_atp_max / mitochondial_atp_max).min()

Almost all starch is used for glucose, and PEP carboxykinase reaction never runs

(scan_results.PEPCARBOX_RXN_c_gc_2 > 0).sum()
(scan_results.PEPDEPHOS_RXN_c_gc_2 > 0).sum()
((scan_results.MALTODEG_RXN_c_gc_2 > 0) & (scan_results.PEPDEPHOS_RXN_c_gc_2 > 0)).sum()
((scan_results.MALTODEG_RXN_c_gc_2 > 0) & (scan_results.PYRUVDEH_RXN_m_gc_2 > 0)).sum()
    (scan_results.MALTODEG_RXN_c_gc_2 > 0)
    & (scan_results.ISOCITRATE_DEHYDROGENASE_NAD_RXN_m_gc_2 > 0)
    scan_results[(scan_results.MALTODEG_RXN_c_gc_2 > 0)].MALTODEG_RXN_c_gc_2 / 2
    - scan_results[(scan_results.MALTODEG_RXN_c_gc_2 > 0)].PEPDEPHOS_RXN_c_gc_2

    scan_results[(scan_results.MALTODEG_RXN_c_gc_2 > 0)].MALTODEG_RXN_c_gc_2 / 2
    - scan_results[(scan_results.MALTODEG_RXN_c_gc_2 > 0)].PYRUVDEH_RXN_m_gc_2

    scan_results[(scan_results.MALTODEG_RXN_c_gc_2 > 0)].MALTODEG_RXN_c_gc_2
    - scan_results[
        (scan_results.MALTODEG_RXN_c_gc_2 > 0)
0       0.001622
1       0.005446
3       0.001043
4       0.001028
6       0.006612
1931    0.003674
1932    0.002604
1933    0.007325
1934    0.002005
1935    0.005452
Length: 1266, dtype: float64
(scan_results.MAL_total_pseudolinker_2 > 0).sum()
        (scan_results.MAL_total_pseudolinker_2 - scan_results.MAL_total_pseudolinker_1)
        > 0
P_abs T_l A_l V_gc_ind FqFm R_ch R_ch_vol L_air L_epidermis Vac_frac ... N_gcs n m r s C_apo A_closed A_open ATPase light
1 0.923180 0.000190 1.0 1.250880e-12 0.889162 0.093534 0.195869 0.337197 0.196606 0.837767 ... 1.064044e+09 2.025073 0.946228 5.400144e-14 1.664063e-13 0.023524 2.500598 9.754649 0.549826 white
6 0.912552 0.000236 1.0 2.797833e-12 0.791717 0.122612 0.211564 0.203218 0.121087 0.788955 ... 8.580407e+08 1.718809 0.985739 6.484944e-14 2.811758e-13 0.028334 1.156307 11.339261 2.620532 white
7 0.811951 0.000203 1.0 1.725438e-12 0.862305 0.134778 0.202345 0.342059 0.149051 0.886573 ... 5.641395e+08 2.345712 0.922066 7.661761e-14 1.713217e-13 0.024734 3.836327 11.685743 0.807819 white
13 0.868580 0.000235 1.0 2.230336e-12 0.813387 0.143595 0.210389 0.231901 0.233709 0.788520 ... 8.827028e+08 1.563814 0.955703 5.755866e-14 2.976694e-13 0.032311 2.576765 10.693166 4.401374 white
28 0.905738 0.000226 1.0 2.077161e-12 0.858599 0.065746 0.199877 0.232093 0.200455 0.892994 ... 1.832267e+08 2.259343 0.879945 6.486503e-14 1.705626e-13 0.027999 2.573815 6.189742 0.199106 white
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1929 0.963328 0.000213 1.0 3.549447e-12 0.822882 0.088125 0.207902 0.284514 0.172490 0.882110 ... 3.941232e+08 1.836419 0.800060 7.761785e-14 1.283119e-13 0.025384 3.250332 8.157482 5.580050 blue
1930 0.878002 0.000222 1.0 2.235053e-12 0.861774 0.132702 0.209615 0.209708 0.145820 0.865507 ... 3.784323e+08 2.348202 0.814245 5.768938e-14 2.320267e-13 0.030561 2.664441 11.247607 3.675367 blue
1932 0.957473 0.000185 1.0 2.755496e-12 0.798181 0.097823 0.201847 0.193194 0.138359 0.823731 ... 6.623405e+08 1.889247 0.969003 6.787495e-14 1.566538e-13 0.032169 1.321999 5.766979 2.750124 blue
1933 0.816118 0.000174 1.0 2.957736e-12 0.825422 0.149150 0.200244 0.323872 0.209562 0.830375 ... 9.035571e+08 1.971395 0.971101 7.917051e-14 2.960270e-13 0.031594 1.293918 7.247967 1.492903 blue
1935 0.953724 0.000240 1.0 1.884973e-12 0.894087 0.135577 0.189014 0.241198 0.137301 0.844829 ... 5.504971e+08 1.561648 0.977668 6.731378e-14 2.085531e-13 0.036108 2.326208 9.325369 4.832752 blue

375 rows × 22 columns

#(scan_constraints.loc[1384] - scan_constraints.mean()) / scan_constraints.std()
/tmp/ipykernel_8731/ FutureWarning: The default value of numeric_only in DataFrame.mean is deprecated. In a future version, it will default to False. In addition, specifying 'numeric_only=None' is deprecated. Select only valid columns or specify the value of numeric_only to silence this warning.
#scan_results.loc[1384].MALTODEG_RXN_c_gc_2 / starch[1384] * 100
#(scan_gc_constraints.loc[1384] - scan_gc_constraints.mean()) / scan_gc_constraints.std()
for i in [i+1 for i in range(4)]:
    reaction = f"PALMITATE_c_gc_Linker_{i}"
    print(scan_results.loc[:, reaction].sum())
scan_results.filter(like="ATPase", axis=1)
PROTON_ATPase_c_me_1 PROTON_ATPase_c_me_2 PROTON_ATPase_c_me_3 PROTON_ATPase_c_me_4 PROTON_ATPase_c_gc_1 PROTON_ATPase_c_gc_2 PROTON_ATPase_c_gc_3 PROTON_ATPase_c_gc_4 ATPase_tx_me_1 ATPase_tx_me_2 ATPase_tx_me_3 ATPase_tx_me_4 ATPase_tx_gc_1 ATPase_tx_gc_2 ATPase_tx_gc_3 ATPase_tx_gc_4
0 1.107532 3.646232 3.763789 1.104726 0.000025 0.004851 0.004851 0.000025 10.025916 12.182122 12.182122 10.025916 0.000444 0.000973 0.000973 0.000444
1 1.271757 4.186898 4.311376 1.268535 0.000057 0.000585 0.000585 0.000057 10.025916 12.468127 12.468127 10.025916 0.000444 0.000967 0.000967 0.000444
2 1.131079 3.723755 3.832643 1.128600 0.000000 0.004505 0.000000 0.000000 10.025916 12.223283 12.223283 10.025916 0.000444 0.000598 0.000598 0.000444
3 1.207758 3.976199 4.097909 1.204698 0.000583 0.004855 0.002277 0.000583 10.025916 12.356973 12.356973 10.025916 0.000444 0.000508 0.000508 0.000444
4 1.260299 4.149174 4.286096 1.257106 0.000025 0.011479 0.007823 0.000025 10.025916 12.448415 12.448415 10.025916 0.000444 0.000614 0.000614 0.000444
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1931 1.105102 3.315307 3.773362 1.102419 0.000025 0.006605 0.006605 0.000025 10.025916 10.025916 12.273932 10.025916 0.000444 0.000444 0.001019 0.000444
1932 1.261907 3.785721 4.297397 1.258843 0.000057 0.001822 0.001822 0.000057 10.025916 10.025916 12.558822 10.025916 0.000444 0.000444 0.001011 0.000444
1933 1.056017 3.168052 3.599472 1.053454 0.000057 0.001349 0.001349 0.000057 10.025916 10.025916 12.183832 10.025916 0.000444 0.000444 0.001976 0.000444
1934 1.228512 3.685537 4.184889 1.225530 0.000025 0.003092 0.003092 0.000215 10.025916 10.025916 12.498539 10.025916 0.000444 0.000444 0.000641 0.000444
1935 1.256399 3.769198 4.279254 1.253349 0.000057 0.002660 0.002660 0.000057 10.025916 10.025916 12.549088 10.025916 0.000444 0.000444 0.000826 0.000444

1934 rows × 16 columns

P_abs T_l A_l V_gc_ind FqFm R_ch R_ch_vol L_air L_epidermis Vac_frac ... N_gcs n m r s C_apo A_closed A_open ATPase light
0 0.815093 0.000194 1.0 2.262641e-12 0.809297 0.179970 0.191527 0.240879 0.214860 0.858645 ... 4.484392e+08 1.933548 0.992641 7.886553e-14 1.678654e-13 0.033679 2.321339 11.318979 10.816668 white
1 0.923180 0.000190 1.0 1.250880e-12 0.889162 0.093534 0.195869 0.337197 0.196606 0.837767 ... 1.064044e+09 2.025073 0.946228 5.400144e-14 1.664063e-13 0.023524 2.500598 9.754649 0.549826 white
2 0.830507 0.000220 1.0 5.035745e-13 0.821060 0.167889 0.204824 0.331556 0.205674 0.816618 ... 5.758277e+08 2.141889 0.972835 6.579620e-14 2.457118e-13 0.034062 2.802180 3.338120 7.823891 white
3 0.880998 0.000192 1.0 8.629192e-13 0.866582 0.051244 0.204472 0.309538 0.169957 0.813726 ... 3.851195e+08 2.077401 0.940848 5.747590e-14 1.515328e-13 0.029770 3.399462 9.936390 12.606738 white
4 0.915597 0.000220 1.0 7.391447e-13 0.846358 0.059969 0.193449 0.352066 0.238671 0.810491 ... 1.046353e+09 2.396012 0.817798 7.654181e-14 1.652973e-13 0.028420 3.305233 7.650706 10.970481 white
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1931 0.849808 0.000174 1.0 2.640313e-12 0.880585 0.134355 0.193583 0.289995 0.213762 0.794641 ... 4.117855e+08 1.711337 0.981658 6.898412e-14 1.062431e-13 0.033170 1.843784 11.521533 16.039577 blue
1932 0.957473 0.000185 1.0 2.755496e-12 0.798181 0.097823 0.201847 0.193194 0.138359 0.823731 ... 6.623405e+08 1.889247 0.969003 6.787495e-14 1.566538e-13 0.032169 1.321999 5.766979 2.750124 blue
1933 0.816118 0.000174 1.0 2.957736e-12 0.825422 0.149150 0.200244 0.323872 0.209562 0.830375 ... 9.035571e+08 1.971395 0.971101 7.917051e-14 2.960270e-13 0.031594 1.293918 7.247967 1.492903 blue
1934 0.934550 0.000234 1.0 1.122269e-12 0.799613 0.047919 0.202674 0.351210 0.192651 0.814861 ... 1.121745e+09 2.313188 0.857276 6.322405e-14 1.450759e-13 0.023108 2.345988 6.138390 2.756515 blue
1935 0.953724 0.000240 1.0 1.884973e-12 0.894087 0.135577 0.189014 0.241198 0.137301 0.844829 ... 5.504971e+08 1.561648 0.977668 6.731378e-14 2.085531e-13 0.036108 2.326208 9.325369 4.832752 blue

1934 rows × 22 columns
